MAP-i News

September 2018

Jorge Oliveira concludes the PhD

13 September 2018

Jorge Henrique Oliveira concluded his PhD on September, 11th 2018, at Computer Science Department (DCC) of the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto (FCUP), with a thesis entitled "Subject-driven supervised and unsupervised hidden Markov models for heart sound segmentation in real noisy environments". He was advised by Professor Miguel Coimbra (DCC/FCUP) and his research was also hosted by the research center IT-Porto.

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August 2018

Preparation of the Symposium (September 20/21, 2018)

25 August 2018

The 2018 MAP-i Symposium will take place at the University of Aveiro on September, 20/21st 2018.
In the Symposium all the students working on their thesis, except those that have already submitted it, are expected to present a Progress Report corresponding to the 2017/2018 academic year. Those students enrolled in the Thesis Proposal are expected to discuss their proposals before a jury.

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Fábio Coelho concludes the PhD

25 August 2018

Fábio Coelho concluded his PhD on July, 26th 2018, at Universidade do Minho, with a thesis entitled "Towards a Transactional and Analytical Data Management System for Big Data". He was advised by Professors Rui Oliveira and José Orlando Pereira (UMinho) and his research was also hosted by the research center HASLab/INESC TEC.

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Cláudio Lourenço concludes the PhD

25 August 2018

Cláudio Lourenço concluded his PhD on July, 1st 2018, at Universidade do Minho, with a thesis entitled "Single-assignment Program Verification". He was advised by Professor Jorge Sousa Pinto (UMinho) and his research was also hosted by the research center HASLab/INESC TEC.

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Renato Neves concludes the PhD

25 August 2018

Renato Neves concluded his PhD on June, 22nd 2018, at Universidade do Minho, with a  thesis entitled "Hybrid programs". He was advised by Professors Luís Barbosa (DI/UMinho & HASLab/INESC TEC) and Manuel António Martins (UAveiro) and his research was also hosted by the research center HASLab/INESC TEC.

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Showing 5 articles from 102 total.


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