MAP-i News

July 2018

Joana Côrte-Real concludes her PhD

24 July 2018

Joana Côrte-Real concluded her PhD on July, 23rd 2018, at Universidade do Porto, FCUP, with a  thesis entitled "Towards Efficient and Scalable Probabilistic Inductive Logic Programming ". She was advised by Professors Inês Dutra (DCC/FCUP & CRACS/INESCTEC) and Ricardo Rocha (DCC/FCUP & CRACS/INESCTEC) and her research was also hosted by the research center CRACS/INESC TEC. She was a grant holder of FCT/MAP-i.

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Malik Saad Sultan concludes the PhD

19 July 2018

Malik Saad Sultan concluded his PhD on June, 26th 2018, at Universidade do Porto, FCUP. His thesis is "Diagnosis of Rheumatic Heart Disease Based on Echocardiography". He was advised by Prof. Miguel Coimbra (DCC/FCUP & IT) and Eng.  Manuel Ferreira (Enermeter) and his research was also hosted by the research center IT-Porto. He was a grant holder of FCT/MAP-i.

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June 2018

Admissions: the results of the second phase are out

01 June 2018

The second phase of the admissions process for the MAP-i 2018/2019 edition is concluded.

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April 2018

João Carneiro concludes the PhD

25 April 2018

João Carneiro concluded his PhD on March, 23rd 2018, at Universidade do Minho. His thesis is "Negotiation in Group Decision Support Systems - An Approach based in Argumentation and Satisfaction". He was advised by Prof. Paulo Novais (UM) and Prof. Maria Goreti Marreiros (ISEP/IPP) and his research was also hosted by the research centers ALGORITMI and GECAD.

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Rui Lima concludes the PhD

25 April 2018

Rui Lima concluded his PhD on January, 29th 2018, at Universidade do Minho. His thesis is "Broadcast Cancellation in Unstructured Networks". He was advised by Prof. Carlos Baquero (UM) and Prof. Hugo Miranda (FCUL) and his research was also hosted by the HASLab research center.

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Showing 5 articles from 102 total.


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