MAP-i News

April 2018

André Pedro concludes the PhD

25 April 2018

André Pedro concluded his PhD on April, 10th 2018, at Universidade do Minho. His thesis is "Runtime verification of hard real-time systems properties". He was advised by Prof. Jorge Sousa Pinto (UM) and Prof. Luís Pinho (ISEP/IPP) and his research was also hosted by the research centers HASLab and CISTER.

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Samih Abdalla concludes the PhD

25 April 2018

Samih Abdalla concluded his PhD on April, 6th 2018, at Universidade do Minho. His thesis is "Behavioural Modelling for Ambient Assisted Living". He was advised by Prof. Adriano Moreira and his research was also hosted by the ALGORITMI research center and Centro de Computação Gráfica (CCG).

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March 2018

Eurico Pedrosa concludes the PhD

24 March 2018

Eurico Pedrosa concluded his PhD on March, 23rd 2018, at Universidade de Aveiro. His thesis is "Efficient Localization and Mapping for Robotics: Algorithms and Tools". The supervisors were Prof. Nuno Lau and Artur Pereira and the host research center was IEETA.

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FCT PhD Scholarships for MAP-i: final ranking

08 March 2018

The jury of the FCT PhD Scholarships for MAP-i 2017/2018 analysed, on its March 5th meeting, the results of the interviews to the 10 best ranked candidates of the first phase that did not withdraw their applications. The ranking after the interview is the following:

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Jorge Cunha Mendes concluded the PhD

02 March 2018

Jorge Cunha Mendes concluded his PhD on February, 21st 2018, at Universidade do Minho. His thesis is "Design, implementation and evaluation of model-driven spreadsheets". The supervisors were Prof. João Alexandre Saraiva and Jácome Cunha and the host research center was HASLab.

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