MAP-i News

November 2018

Rui Pereira concludes the PhD

23 November 2018

Rui Alexandre Afonso Pereira concluded his PhD on October, 29th 2018, at Informatics Department (DI) of the  University of Minho (DI-UMinho), with a thesis entitled "Energyware Engineering: Techniques and Tools for Green Software Development". He was advised by Professors João Saraiva and Jácome Cunha (DI/UMinho) and his research was also hosted by the research center HASLab/INESCTEC.

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September 2018

Paula Branco concludes the PhD

22 September 2018

Paula Alexandra de Oliveira Branco concluded her PhD on September, 17th 2018, at Computer Science Department (DCC) of Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto (FCUP), with a thesis entitled "Utility-based Predictive Analytics". She was advised by Professors Luís Torgo and Rita Ribeiro (DCC/FCUP) and her research was also hosted by the research center LIAAD/INESCTEC.

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Francisco Pereira will talk about machine learning as the invited speaker at MAP-i Symposium

16 September 2018

Francisco Pereira pictureThe invited talk at MAP-i 2018 Symposium will be given by Francisco Pereira, head of the Machine Learning Team at the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH, USA).

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MAP-i Symposium 2018 on September 20/21st at the University of Aveiro

16 September 2018

The annual MAP-i Symposium constitutes an opportunity to better know the research of each student. This year edition will take place at the University of Aveiro, on September 20th afternoon and on the 21st. The program (check updated versions here) includes the public discussion of 10 thesis proposals and the presentation of 40 progress reports. There is also an welcome session to the new students with the presentation of the courses offered for the edition of 2018/2019, where the students are expected to choose the optional courses.

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Palwasha Afsar concludes the PhD

16 September 2018

Palwasha Afsar concluded her PhD on June, 27th 2018, at Universidade do Minho, with a thesis entitled "An Intelligent System for Detection and Identification of Human Behaviors from Unconstrained Video". She was advised by Professors Paulo Cortez and Henrique Santos (UMinho) and her research was also hosted by the research center Algoritmi.

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Showing 5 articles from 102 total.


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