
List of students with the first year subscription.

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First year

Total Results: 19

# Name First Year Status
1 Alexandre Barbosa Agusto 2014 - Semester I (Oct-Feb) Interrupted (2015)
Alexandre Barbosa Agusto - Additional info:
  • Student suspended in 2015
  • Student interuped in 2015-09-01
2 António Pedro Miranda Vinagre de Sousa 2014 - Semester I (Oct-Feb) Interrupted (2015)
António Pedro Miranda Vinagre de Sousa - Additional info:
  • Student suspended in 2015
  • Student interuped in 2015-09-01
3 Bruno Miguel Tomás Cavadas 2014 - Semester I (Oct-Feb) Interrupted (2015)
Bruno Miguel Tomás Cavadas - Additional info:
  • Student suspended in 2015
  • Student interuped in 2015-09-01
4 David Oliveira Aparício 2014 - Semester I (Oct-Feb) Concluded
David Oliveira Aparício - Additional info:
5 Eduardo Miguel Coutinho Gomes de Pinho 2014 - Semester I (Oct-Feb) Concluded
Eduardo Miguel Coutinho Gomes de Pinho - Additional info:
6 João Antonio Duarte da Graça 2014 - Semester I (Oct-Feb) Interrupted (2015)
João Antonio Duarte da Graça - Additional info:
  • Student suspended in 2015
  • Student interuped in 2015-09-01
7 João Pedro Fonseca Teixeira 2014 - Semester I (Oct-Feb) Concluded
João Pedro Fonseca Teixeira - Additional info:
8 Kelwin Alexander Fernandes Correia 2014 - Semester I (Oct-Feb) Concluded
Kelwin Alexander Fernandes Correia - Additional info:
9 Luis Alexandre Cubal dos Reis 2014 - Semester I (Oct-Feb) Concluded
Luis Alexandre Cubal dos Reis - Additional info:
10 Luis Daniel Freitas Azvedo Maia 2014 - Semester I (Oct-Feb) Interrupted (2015)
Luis Daniel Freitas Azvedo Maia - Additional info:
  • Student suspended in 2015
  • Student interuped in 2015-09-01
11 Luís Manuel Magalhães Carvalho Valente Teixeira 2014 - Semester I (Oct-Feb) Interrupted (2015)
Luís Manuel Magalhães Carvalho Valente Teixeira - Additional info:
  • Student suspended in 2015
  • Student interuped in 2015-09-01
12 Malik Saad Sultan 2014 - Semester I (Oct-Feb) Concluded
Malik Saad Sultan - Additional info:
13 Marco Rafael Linhares Couto 2014 - Semester I (Oct-Feb) Concluded
Marco Rafael Linhares Couto - Additional info:
14 Nelson Costa Martins 2014 - Semester I (Oct-Feb) Concluded
Nelson Costa Martins - Additional info:
15 Nelson Filipe Ribeiro Alves 2014 - Semester I (Oct-Feb) Interrupted
Nelson Filipe Ribeiro Alves - Additional info:
  • Student interuped in 2017-10-02
Showing 15 users from 19 total.


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